In Discussion with the 62 Group of Textile Artists
November 21, 2012
Joanna will be chairing Surviving in the Workplace as part of a Symposium organised by the 62 Group of Textile Artists at The Knitting and Stitching Show, Harrogate.
In their 50th anniversary year, members of the 62 Group of Textile Artists, invited artists and curatorial professionals will reflect on their individual and collective practices. The symposium will offer the unusual opportunity to meet and share discussions with a large number of the Group’s artists, as well as giving Group members the chance to meet and interact with their viewers. Six pertinent topics will be discussed in small informal focus groups to encourage interaction.
The Knitting and Stitching Show, Harrogate International Centre
(Hall F – Basement); Saturday 24th November 2012, 1.30-4.30pm.
The event is free, but booking is required.
For more details on the six focus groups: 62 Group